Gabriella Owens
BBQ Pizza - The Book!
BBQ Pizza - The Movie!
Cascade of Pearls
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Cascade of Pearls


Cascade of Pearls
by California Writers Club San Fernando Valley

In celebration of their 30th Anniversary, the San Fernando Valley Branch of the California Writers Club has compiled works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry written by current members. The gem symbol for a 30th Anniversary is the pearl. This book is structured into their string of pearls – Pearls of Discovery; Relationships; Knowledge; Nature; Adventure; Yesteryears; Faith; and Life – to share with you on a winter’s evening by the fireplace, a day at the beach, or maybe that long cross-country flight. The included works come in varied styles expressing humor, life experiences, tragedy, and reflections in the genre of fiction, nonfiction, and verse.

Please look for two of my stories in this delightful anthology. The first is a serious story about my son when he was in the hospital. The second is a funny story about my fight with the vacuum cleaner. I hope you enjoy them both!

Cascade of Pearls on Amazon